CBS is established to provide clients with a wide range of Trust Services, Corporate, and International Business and Laws Consultant. Specialized in providing legal structures and related activities, as a Fiduciary and consulting entity organized under the laws of Panama, it enjoys all the benefits and the traditional stability as today one of the principal financial on-shore centres. These range from International Business Companies and Limited liability Companies to International Exempt Trusts, Asset Protection fiduciary, fiduciary Officers, Fiduciary & Trust Management, Credit Security Company, Escrow Agreement, Venture Capital, Merging, Multi-Jurisdiction legal and taxes adviser and consultant, private and corporate financial activities and other financial services.
CBS has the capability of offering the services, advantages and protection of larger financial institutions without the “red” tape or delays. A Money Market Management Officer will be assigned to assure personalized services for all clients. Our conservative management approach to investments is designed to better serve the international requirements of our clients.
All investments made by our clients are pre-approved by the “‘‘CBS ADMINISTRATION CORP.’’’s investments committee and are based strictly on the pre-determined risk level that you establish with your Management Officer. Each customer is provided, on a regular basis, each customer is provided, complete financial reports explaining the position, value and yield of his Access Account.